Western Howard county

 YOUTH Baseball Softball League


Fall 2024 Baseball & Softball Registration

Click here to register for Baseball

Click here to register for Softball

What can be better than playing baseball and softball in the fall?  The Fall Recreational Baseball & Softball season will be here soon. It's time to register to fine tune your baseball and softball skills! 

The seasons run from early September thru the end of October.   Enjoy one practice per week (specific night depends on coach/team placement) and games on Saturdays for softball and Sundays for baseball . All players receive a team jersey and hat. (and let's face it...  although learning and playing the game may be extremely fun and all that, we all know you're really coming for the hat or visor!) Game locations are primarily at Western Regional Park, but also at other Howard County locations.

How are players placed on teams?  We have a crackpot team of squirrels that do the bulk of the work of placing players on teams - they don't take potty breaks, and they work for peanuts!  Just kidding.  Every effort is made to fulfill parent/player requests for specific team placement and to place players on teams that practice at a field near where players live.  

Baseball age groups  are 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 13-15.  Softball age groups are 6-8, 9-10, and 11-13.   Teams play in the Alliance league comprised of other Howard County leagues, so travel to other parts of Howard County may be required.

Registration Fees

$140 - $150 depending on age group


Registration fees include uniform jersey and hats or visor (for softball).  (again -- there is a hat involved!) Players are required to provide their own baseball pants (grey for baseball, black for softball), gloves and protective gear (for example, a cup/jock strap for boys).  Players may use their own helmets, bats, cleats however please click here for Age Group Specific Rules prior to purchasing equipment.  

We’re always looking for coaches!  If you’re interested in coaching your son or daughter’s team, please contact their Age Group Coordinator.

If you have any questions regarding any of our programs, please feel free to send us an email.

Baseball/T-Ball Tyler Moore

Softball whcsoftball@gmail.com  

Youth sports at WHCYBSL provides opportunities to experience life lessons on the ball field, where players can hone their talents and learn essential life skills such as teamwork, the value of listening to coaches and the courage to try again when they fail.